Astrology Aphorisms
by Felipe Oliveira

Our choices are dictated by a
multitude of factors such as our
upbringing, genetics, health, mood,
law, environment, social rules, birth
astrological, and other metaphysical
factors; none of which we have had
any control over. Where is the ‘free’
in the so-called free will?.
I hear astrologers authoritatively
speaking about Pluto, Saturn, Great
Conjunctions, and Eclipses causing
global events. Can somebody tell me
where to find the birth chart for
Earth? I want to join in.
Why is a treatment shown by
house 10 in medical astrology?
Because the essence of a treatment is
‘authority’. If we cannot heal on our
own we appeal to a higher power
over us, in whatever form seems
appropriate, and by whomever it is
administered. That is a
house 10 matter.
The necessary Horary knowledge,
guidelines, major corrections, and
annotated examples have now been
published by capable contemporary
astrologers. There is no need to suffer
old English, unless you like old
English, suffering, or both,
of course.”
Blind acceptance of authority and
tradition stifles our ability to think
critically. Worse if such authority
comes in the form of words written
by someone who is dead and who,
for obvious reasons, cannot engage
in discussion or think critically in
our presence. Old and true
are not synonymous.
Medical Astrology is built upon the
use of astrological technique to
diagnose the humoral cause of physical
and mental health problems. Thus
allowing the healer to apply tailored
measures to balance the four elements,
as well as correct the functions where
the symptoms occur, in the
body, emotions and mind.
To overcome a Saturnian affliction
such as the loss of a loved one, using
force is futile. As are preaching,
empathizing, seducing, or reasoning.
Saturn doesn’t negotiate with other
planets. Saturn responds only to Saturn.
Steadfastness, patience, time, surrender,
total acceptance of fate…
Thy Will Be Done.
Regarding early or late degree rising
horaries being unreadable, beware of
astro-preachers who claim it to be
some general rule for all to follow.
It is not a rule. It was highly advisable
in the time of sundials. In the 21st
century it is a matter of personal
preference, at best.
Symbolically, Venus has no heat.
It is not active. It is a planet of
passiveness, receptiveness, and
connection. Its essence is cold and
moist. There is no controversy.
Venus is not an Air planet. It is a
Water planet. Venus is cold and
moist because it is, well,
The notion of a planet ruling more
than one meaningful house in
horary is not a matter of rule. It is a
matter of context and of how an
astrologer thinks and perceives the
world and the chart. The correlations
one astrologer can make may
be impossible for another.
Psychology 101: Jupiter is Jupiter.
Saturn is Saturn. Good and bad are
in our minds; and do not apply to
every person’s worldview with equal
meaning. For some of us, life, and
our approach to astrology, have more
shades than black and white, and
more colors than a parrot.
There is no common-sense in
house 12. It is the proverbial devil’s
workshop. All it creates is suffering
for oneself and those nearby. And
if called out it will either hide, or
will justify itself first, and then hide.
Whatever good Dr. Jeckyl
does Mr. Hyde undoes.
A palpable but hidden power
against the people has been present
throughout history. If we are to
obtain a more complete picture of
mundane matters using astrology,
fitting to the current world state
of affairs, we must pay attention to
House 12 in our chart
There is much more money to be
made from maintaining illness
than from preventing it. Modern
‘health care’ is a misnomer as far
as prevention and true healing is
concerned. A more honest name
for the system would be
‘disease management’.
Now transits to black holes are a
thing in astrology. Saturn, Pluto
and Orcus just won’t do… Why are
traditional astrologers often so
serious? Cheer up, this is a circus!
With few exceptions, as a general
guideline, do not take anything
you read or hear in astrology as a
rule until you have tested it in
practice yourself, repeatedly.
As a wise sage once said: ‘The
proof is in the pudding’.
“Mago patiently assigns Horary
homework to stubborn or otherwise
impaired students: Stand in front of
a mirror and utter eighty four times:
— The order of priority for
choosing significators in horary
is house rulership first,
then natural rulership.”
Caution is advised about becoming
reliant on old books at the expense
of common-sense, which can
become obfuscated by adhering to
the dogma that ‘traditional’
equals ‘old’, and ‘old’ equals
‘true’. Allow the tradition to live
and evolve in the minds
of the living.
Why would anyone ask mundane
horary questions?’ Well, we all make
decisions based on information from
sources we trust. If we wish to make our
decisions based on what is found on
Google, or mainstream media, we can.
My trusted source is horary. I may
make a mistake in my reading
but never be deceived.
Isn’t it ironic that the historical
movement named Enlightenment,
that led to the development of
Western civilization’s intellect,
also caused a blindness to
intuition and metaphysics?
I lift my hat and scratch beneath
when I come across the qualification
of ‘astrology research’ in astrologers’
biographies but they have no
knowledge of traditional astrology.
Then I recall that life, like a circus,
is not meant to be taken too seriously
and all is jolly again.
Anything near Uranus should elicit caution. Especially if it is the size of Jupiter. Thank the heavens astrologers are here to inform us.
— Do you look at house 12 in horary?
“No. Things only go bad because of an
uncooperative god; so eleven houses are
enough. That keeps things simple and
everybody happy; and those who insist
in being unhappy clueless about why.
Occasionally, querents who raise horses,
or hippos come to ask about
their health though.
In all traditional astrology
branches, but especially in horary,
read the inner planets thoroughly
before giving in to the pleasures of
weaving an amazing story using the
fixed stars and their myths. Do have
the cherry but first make sure the
cake is properly baked .
“Ah! French astrology! Soaked in
a bit too much absinthe, perhaps…
A little death is not the same as death.
Traditionally, sex, weather you
survive it or not, is house 5.
Antiscia can show hidden things.
Regrettably, antiscia tend to hide
from astrologers. Missing antiscia
in a Horary consultation is like
skipping a chapter when reading a
book. The story you later tell may
be entertaining but it will
likely, not be accurate.
Wise advice from our esteemed
seventeenth century colleague:
“Let everyone, that desires to be
called by the name of Artist, have
their wits in their heads (for that’s
the place ordained for them) and
not in their books.”
~Nicholas Culpeper
Mago Felipe’s complete list of
considerations before judgement
for successful horary interpretation:
1) Deep breath, clear the mind.
2) Understand the question.
3) Understand the context.
Read the chart.