Traditional Astrology Webinars

Whether you're a seasoned astrologer or just starting your journey, these webinars offer a unique opportunity to deepen your understanding of traditional astrology and develop your skills and expertise.

Traditional Medical Astrology Blog

Attendees are encouraged to engage with the material and answer and ask questions during the live session. But if you prefer to sit back and only listen that is fine too. Private access to the session video recording is included, allowing attendees to replay it at a later time.

There are no live webinars currently scheduled. When live webinars are scheduled they will appear on this page. If you wish to be notified when the next live webinar is scheduled use the form on this page to subscribe to the mailing list. Below is a list of the video recordings available for purchase.

Live and Recorded Webinars (English)

Video de Webinars (em português)

Live Webinar FAQ

Knowing basic horary techniques and principles and how to read a horary in general is ideal for gaining the most from this webinar. 

However, if you are a beginner and wish to attend, there is nothing to stop you. I am sure you will learn a lot. During the webinar, I will be glad to advise you on your next learning steps and answer your questions.

The webinars are held using the Google Meet application. You will receive a link by email, and you will access the webinar using your web browser. There is no need to install any additional apps on your device or computer.

The time for all webinars is California time. Either PST (Pacific Standard Time) or PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) depending on the time of the year. Make sure to check for the appropriate time in your time zone.

Unless otherwise noted all webinars last 2 hours and 30 minutes, with a ten-minute break halfway through.

You may pay by Credit Card or Paypal

If you need to cancel your attendance you may do so at any time before the webinar begins.

As a courtesy, you will receive credit for a future webinar of the same price.

There are no refunds as the webinar schedule is based on the number of participants registered. Thank you for your understanding.

Subscribe / Message

If you have any questions or wish to be notified about future webinars send me the information below.


Para ser notificado(a) quando os webinars em português estiverem agendados, envie-me suas informações.
Si desea ser avisado cuando seminarios en línea (o webinars) en español sean programados, envíeme sus datos. Mencione los temas que le interesan.