Advanced Horary Practice Course overview. The three pillars of horary interpretation. Requirements. Software configuration.
The personality components and their corresponding significators. True Personality and False Personality. Unnecessary Suffering vs. Real Suffering. Going beyond the basic significators. Understanding the role of house 2 and house 12 in psychological horary. Accessing depth in relationship charts. Chart interpretation.
Relationship and partnership chart interpretation. The seven main patterns of self-undoing. The importance of Arabic Parts and the Nodes in thorough horary interpretation.Â
Relationship and partner, and solo chart interpretation. The narcissist.
Forensics and past experiences. Remembering and shedding light on past trauma as a means to break free from it.
Other meanings of house 12. Bewitchment/magic, harmful entities, and things that are hidden.
Treatment, house 9 as insight and knowledge, and practitioners.
Spirit guides, spirituality, enlightenment, and metaphysical phenomena.
Horary diagnosis. Understanding the effect the four elements have on the body and psyche. How to balance them when they are out of balance.
Miscellaneous questions. Symbolism quizzes.
Course Features
- The Advanced Horary Practice Course is taken entirely online within this web site
- The course includes chart analysis of 50+ course-supplied charts PLUS charts of your own.
- Every lesson assignment is reviewed by me and we interact one-on-one throughout the course
- Send me questions at any time during the course
- Graded at every lesson. Receive a certificate on successful completion
- Own an Astrology Chart Software or know how to cast charts online
- You must own a copy of the book "The Horary Textbook" by John Frawley
- Time to read, study and complete assignments
To take the Advanced Horary Practice Course Your software must display the following:
- Reggiomontanus house system
- The seven inner planets
- The three outer planets
- The Nodes (true node)
- Fixed stars
- Arabic parts
- The Advanced Horary Practice Course is to be completed within 12 months from the enrollment date.
- The course is self-paced. The student keeps track of the time and frequency of the lessons.
- I review the assignments and post them back to the student within seven calendar days from the date they are submited for review.
- Six-month extensions can be purchased in cases when a course cannot be completed within the original time frame.