Frequently Asked Questions about Horary Astrology and Medical Astrology

Questions about the courses, astrology and general questions.

Traditional Medical Astrology Blog

General Questions

For anyone who wishes to improve their knowledge of astrological symbolism and technique and their application in practice to obtain valuable information about any area of one’s life.

The Traditional Medical Astrology Horary Course and the Complete Horary Astrology Training Course have no prerequisites.

All other courses require either the completion of the Traditional Medical Astrology Horary Course  or the Complete Horary Astrology Training Course or equivalent knowledge in John Frawley’s lineage before enrollment. Check each course page for details.

Because of how John Frawley uses “receptions,” it is incompatible with other approaches; mixing approaches makes a mess of what should be simple.

You have to choose one approach. My approach follows John Frawley’s, so in order to study with me, you need to learn it. If you do not know, I can teach you. The approach is highly logical, congruent with reality, and thus simple.

Astrology is a language. We need to speak the same language to communicate.

Before taking any other course, you must enroll in the Traditional Medical Astrology Horary Course or the Complete Horary Astrology Training Course.

You may take the Traditional Astrology Fundamentals Exam. If you pass it, you can enroll in the courses with a pre-requisite.

I teach natal health/illness delineation and temperament assessment in the Applied Traditional Medical Astrology Course.

I also teach the Traditional Natal Event Investigation Course, where we study a predictive technique and natal potentials and events via progressions and solar, lunar returns, and derived lunar returns.

It’s important to note that Natal medical astrology is strictly preventive and general. There is no diagnosis using the natal chart. Medical Humoral Diagnosis is made using horary, not natal. 

Yes. That is the best and most accurate tool for most practical applications.

Yes. One optional lesson in the Applied Traditional Medical Astrology Course is devoted to decumbiture.

Yes. You may pay for the courses in full or split the payment into three payments. Each payment is due in advance for each third of the course(s). You can select your payment when enrolling.

Paypal and credit cards are accepted.

For payment in full, once you start a course, you have 30 days to withdraw and receive a refund. However, please note that a non-refundable administrative fee of $ 95 is applicable. If you have had one lesson in that period, the refund is minus a $175 non-refundable administrative fee. These fees are in place to cover the administrative costs associated with setting up a course.

The same rule applies to payment plans. You may withdraw at any time within 30 days from the payment date and receive a refund minus a $95 non-refundable administrative fee. If you have had one lesson in that period, the refund is minus the $175 non-refundable administrative fee. 

If you want to return in the future, know that your course has been saved for one year from the date it was interrupted. You may return to the point where you left off within that year. After that, the course records are deleted.

About the Courses

Yes. It could not be any other way. This is a teacher-apprentice relationship.

No. The lessons are self-paced and written within this website in a secure area for students only. All students, me, and anyone else who is interested meet once a month over video in an informal session.

Between eight and twelve charts per lesson are supplied. You are also required to bring your own charts. You are allowed and encouraged to bring up to four charts per practice lesson. This is flexible; if you have fewer charts of your own in one lesson and more in another, it will be fine. But this gives you a general idea. You get lots of practice and direct one-on-one guidance.

It depends on the course. For all horary courses, “The Horary Textbook” by John Frawley is required reading and reference, and you will need to own a copy.

Oscar Hofman’s “Classical Medical Astrology” is a required text for medical courses, and you must own a copy.

Other recommended books are mentioned on each course page on this website.

All the relevant theory is presented in a way that is immediately used in practice. Each chart interpretation lesson provides several actual charts for practice. My approach is not scholarly or historical. You will learn what you can use in practice, including the fun stuff.

The focus of all courses is to practice multiple real-life chart interpretations. That is the only way we can learn and improve.

  • The Traditional Horary Craft Course is a full horary training course that will give the student the ability to answer questions related to any of the common subjects in life such as: money, health, relationships, children, career, travel, etc.

Yes. Depending on the course, students have twelve months or eighteen months to complete it. Details are found on each course page on this website.

Twelve-month extensions can be purchased when a course cannot be completed within the original time frame.

Yes. However, it depends on the student’s performance and proven ability to interpret charts accurately up to the standard of a beginning professional. The development of that ability will be assessed throughout the course.

It is possible to complete a course and not receive a certificate if the ability to interpret charts has not been developed up to standards. In that case, further education may be discussed.

The techniques I teach can be learned entirely from John Frawley’s The Horary Textbook and Classical Medical Astrology by Oscar Hofman.

Throughout the courses, I refer to Christian Astrology, Saunder’s Physick, Culpeper’s Decumbiture, and Culpeper’s Complete Herbal.

I teach the foundation of astrological herbalism and the necessary techniques for the practitioner to select appropriate herbs for treatment using astrology. Symbology and Herbalism are two different areas of study. I never had the interest or time to learn herbalism well enough to practice or teach it in depth.

However, I excel at symbolism and astrological interpretation, so that is what I teach. You can learn herbalism or any other treatment method elsewhere and then use the symbolism, herbal reference, and interpretation technique you learn from me to guide the use of your healing tools.

If you want to become more educated in herbalism, you will gain the knowledge and tools to approach your learning correctly here.

There is a caveat to herbalism (which applies to alternative medicine in general). Taking herbs without addressing the basics, that is, diet and lifestyle, can equate to driving with your handbrakes on. You keep moving, but something remains not quite right. The herbs will alleviate symptoms, but if you are eating the wrong diet and not exercising the body, heart, and mind correctly, herbs will not heal. This is even more pronounced in chronic conditions.

Furthermore, to determine the correct diet and lifestyle, a proper humoral/elemental diagnosis must be performed. Such a diagnosis can be performed via pulse diagnosis in Oriental medicine or horary humoral diagnosis, which I teach.

Without such diagnostic methods, alternative medicine risks becoming merely a cleaner version of modern thinking and modern materialistic-chemical-intellectual medicine, that is, treating the symptoms and ignoring the underlying elemental/humoral cause of symptoms.

Much can be done with diet and lifestyle alone, and that is what I focus on. Horary will nail what works and what does not work in that respect. You have to ask and follow through. You can become healthier by addressing food and lifestyle alone. That’s not my idea. Hippocrates was into it himself, and Ayurveda even longer before Hippocrates or Avicenna.

This is so simple, yet most people miss it. We have been brainwashed to depend on particular medicines when, as Hippocrates put it, we can let our food be our medicine and our medicine your food.

It may take up to seven days for me to review and reply, depending on the complexity of the lesson. But it usually is much sooner.

About Astrology

Traditional astrology, while governed by several logical and strict rules, also allows for flexibility and adaptation, making it a dynamic system.

The heavens (or our spirit guides, if you prefer) speak the language each astrologer develops over time. We must choose a set of techniques and stick with them for long enough to ensure consistency in the language between the astrologer and the heavens/guides.

If we ascribe different meanings to words in the middle of a conversation with someone, we cannot understand one another. It is the same with astrology. Consistency is key. So, choose a path and follow it. If you want to change paths at some point, you can; you will need to re-establish the new “dialect” and stick with it again.

I do the ones based on common sense. I do not do the nonsensical ones. Above all, I encourage my students to think for themselves, overcome any fear of making mistakes they may have, refine their ability to use common sense, and acknowledge and take advantage of the times we live in and our present technology.

The outer planets were known in antiquity, long before what we refer to as Western astrology came into being. So, they are as traditional as they can be.

In traditional astrology, the outer planets fulfill a role similar to the fixed stars in terms of technique and interpretation.

Several articles on this website demonstrate their meanings and appropriateness via examples of actual chart interpretations.

For further insights into this subject, read the articles: Ancient Astrology and the Outer Planets and Fixed Stars and the Outer Planets in Horary Astrology.

The astrology practiced and taught here is traditional astrology, not modern astrology.

In traditional astrology, the outer planets function in the same fashion as fixed stars do whereas the signs of the zodiac are ruled by the seven inner planets only.

The fixed stars and outer planets theory and their, practical application, are demoonstrated in the courses and webinars, and various charts in the blog.

Further Questions?

If you have questions about any of the courses send me a message.