Love, Romantic, Relationship Horary – 3

Part 3 – Unlock the power of horary astrology to see the truth, nurture mature relationships, and explore their full potential.

A hands-on Traditional Horary Astrology webinar where I will present a series of practical real-life chart examples of relationship horary questions.

There’s more to a relationship horary than mind, heart, and body. In the Relationship Horary series of webinars, we go beyond the house rulers, the Moon, Venus, and the Sun, and delve into the two additional significators and techniques that are crucial to unveil the complete dynamics between individuals. This is not found in books, new or old, and usually goes unaddressed in horary readings.

Unlock the power of horary astrology to see the truth, nurture mature relationships, and explore their full potential.


The three pillars of Horary Astrology: Context, Question, and Technique. The nomenclature used in the webinar, significators, receptions, and contextual contradictions in relationships.

Horary interpretation. Question: Will I be emotionally fulfilled if I move to his country?

Horary interpretation. Question: What is going to happen between us from now onward?

Horary interpretation. Question: When will get into a successful relationship?

Horary interpretation. Question: Will I ever fall in love again?

Horary interpretation. Question: When will I be in a relationship again?

Horary interpretation. This one is seriously funny. And remarkably eloquent in its symbolism. Question: Did she fake the orgasm?

Horary interpretation. Under my guidance, the participants will interpret a relationship horary chart. If time allows.

Time allowed for me to answer questions from participants.

Video Features


Webinar FAQ

In order to benefit from this webinar you must already know basic horary technique and principles and know how to read a horary in general. 

However, if you are a beginner and wish to attend there is nothing to stop you, I am sure you will learn a lot. I will be glad to advise you on your next learning steps.

The webinars are held using Google Meet, a web-based video-conferencing application that runs on your web browser. There is no need to have other apps installed on your computer or device.

You will receive an email with a link to a Google Calendar event containing the Webinar access information prior to the event date.

Important: Google Meet is only available on these browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

Make sure to have one of these browsers installed on your computer long in advance before the webinar date.

The time for all webinars is California time. Either PST (Pacific Standard Time) or PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) depending on the time of the year. Make sure to check for the appropriate time in your time zone in advance.

All webinars are 2 hours and 30 minutes long, with a ten-minute break halfway through. The exception is the Enlightenment and Astrology webinar which is 3 hours long, with a ten-minute break halfway through.

You may pay by Credit Card or Paypal

If you need to cancel your attendance you may do so at any time before the webinar begins.

As a courtesy, you will receive credit for a future webinar of the same price.

There are no refunds as the webinar schedule is based on the number of participants registered. Thank you for your understanding.

I may schedule webinars at other times if there is enough interest from a group in a certain time zone. Feel free to contact me to discuss.

If there is a subject you would like covered in a future webinar you may suggest it too.

Felipe Oliveira, Traditional Astrologer and Medical Astrology Teacher

Traditional Astrologer Felipe Oliveira

If you have questions about the webinars send me a message.

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